Balancing the Calories

On Sunday morning we took advantage of a gap in the wet and stormy weather to go out for a bike ride.  After all of the rain, it was far too muddy to consider going onto the Downs and so we went for a gentle,flat cycle ride along the sea front.  We had a chance to see the storm damage for ourselves as quite significant areas of cycle path along the way were covered in seaweed and lots of pebbles washed inland from the beach by huge waves.  The ride became quite challenging trying to dodge the worst of the pebbles, pedestrians and numerous dogs (it seems we weren't the only ones desperate to get out into the fresh air after being cooped up indoors for so long due to stormy weather - not to mention the warnings to keep away from the seafront which have recently become quite dangerous places to be when the tide is in and the wind is up).

After my previous post, mentioning my good intentions of healthy eating, I went and did the opposite of having a cappuccino and large piece of coffee and walnut cake when we stopped at a cafe.  I've done a quick online calculation to see if I've managed to burn off enough calories cycling to counteract the calories consumed at the cafe - I might have just managed it!


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