Evening Meditation

Truleigh Hill, South Downs

One evening a week I attend a local meditation group.  It's said that the goal of meditation is "to focus and quiet your mind, eventually reaching a higher level of awareness and inner calm".  I can certainly vouch for that and agree that it can have many positive effects on both mind and body.

Not everyone finds it easy to meditate, as it takes a little practice to start with, to just shut out that "inner chatter" and actually keep still. But sometimes just enjoying absorbing ourselves in a single activity and "being" in the present moment can have similar effects, such as listening to music, baking a cake, being in a garden, climbing a rock, crocheting a granny square or taking a swim.

For Mr Cocopopia, its going out for a summer evening bike ride.  Here are some of the photos he came back with from his ride last week ...

Summer Evening on the South Downs

Summer Evening on the South Downs

Shoreham by Sea from Truleigh Hill

Moonrise over Brighton from Truleigh Hill


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