Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

Well I didn't intend to take a summer break from blogging but it just sort of happened.

First of all there was the problem with the computer having to be replaced which took longer than expected - but on the plus side I'm now learning to use Photoshop which is great.

I'm grateful for the long, hot summer we've had (although at times, being an English Rose type of person, a little too hot for me!).  It means though, that we've been able to get out and about and discover more of our local area

along the riverbank

And also the local beach

fisherman's boat on the beach

beach vegetation

But the hot weather did also bring some torrential downpours

heavy rain beating against the loft window
A result of which, we're now having to get our flat roof fixed next week to avoid serious damage during the winter months.

I've also been really, really busy preparing for my own wedding (yes, I got married this summer!) and, being a jewellery designer and maker, I made my own jewellery

Our wedding reception took place on a narrowboat and we had a lovely day

We continued to take advantage of the good weather by exploring places on our bikes.  We had a gentle but interesting ride around Chichester Marina and had the opportunity to take our bikes on the little ferry across to Bosham, adding to the sense of adventure.

Chichester canal opening out into the Marina

Chichester Marina

On the ferry to Bosham

Sadly, we also experienced a family bereavement and have been coming to terms with the loss of someone dear to us.  Someone once said to me that rather than mourn the loss of a person, we should try and focus on the happy memories we have of them and be glad that we knew them and that they played a part in our lives, and although there's no doubt that a mourning process needs to happen, I've always found this point of view quite helpful at times of loss.  But there's no getting away from it, life always does has its ups and its downs and, as Arlo Guthrie says "you can't have a light without a dark to stick it in".  

And so at this time of year, with the harvests being collected in the fields, it reminds me of the whole circle of life which is constantly changing and evolving.  Even my blog is changing and evolving, but more of that next time....

late summer harvest in Sussex


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